Donkey Kong Games

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong is a highly successful side-scrolling game developed by Shigeru Miyamoto which has become popular throughout the world and has become the legend of gaming along with its other counterparts such as Mario, Sonic etc. Donkey Kong was first released in the 1981 and Donkey Kong was the name of a gorilla, This was the first ever appearance of  Donkey Kong and also the first ever appearance of Mario both in the same game. Mario and Donkey Kong both were internationally known by gamers and non gamers as the face of the gaming industry and fascinated the gamers of that time. The first Donkey Kong game was a 2D single stage game, It had Donkey Kong as the opponent and Mario as the protagonist in the game. The goal of the game for the playable character Mario was to dodge barrels that were thrown by Donkey Kong and in doing so Mario had to climb a platform to reach the princess and save her from Donkey Kong. It is to be mentioned that Mario had his first appearance in the game even though Mario was to become popular after 4 years of this game.

After the initial game of Donkey Kong. A whole new franchise of the Donkey Kong Games were released all of which were side-scrolling games. The most innovative thing about the series was the use of 3D modeled characters in a 2D world. This was the first ever use of 3D modeling in a 2D game. This was state of the art at that time. Donkey Kong story revolved around Donkey Kong and his clan who were to fight the crocodiles and their leader called King K. Rool. After the success of the original game a stand alone game was developed and it was called Donkey Kong Jr. In this game the son of Donkey Kong is rescuing his father Donkey Kong who is trapped by Mario (This is the only game in which Mario is portrayed as a villain).

All of the Donkey Kong Games will be mentioned below with a slight description of the original series games and a chance to play them. Following are the names of the original series games.

  1. Donkey Kong
  2. Donkey Kong Jr
  3. Donkey Kong 3

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong

The original Donkey Kong was first made by Shigeru Miyamoto in 1981 and was the result of a test that was conducted by Nintendo to check how their games were being received by the audience. The results were poor and so Shigeru was tasked with making a game that would be acclaimed world wide. The result was Donkey Kong a single staged game in which Jump man was to jump over obstacles in a construction site which were thrown by Donkey Kong, The aim of the game was to rescue Pauline Jump Man's girlfriend. Jump man would later become Mario who we all know and love.

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr is the sequel to the original Donkey Kong. It features Jump Man (Mario) as the villain and Donkey Kong Jr is the son of the original Donkey Kong. The goal of the game is to free Donkey Kong who is imprisoned by Mario. The way to save Donkey Kong is to reach the top of the screen using Donkey Kong Jr and to touch keys that are place on the map. Whenever a key is acquired a lock on the chain holding Donkey Kong is released. After this the game starts again and the flow of the game is at a faster pace making it more difficult to avoid obstacles such as birds barrels etc.

Donkey Kong 3

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong 3 is the 3rd installment of the original Donkey Kong Series. In this part Jump Man(Mario) is replaced with Stanley, who is an exterminator of bugs. The main idea behind the game is to fight Donkey Kong who is throwing bugs at the flower that Stanley is trying to protect. The aim of the game is to stop Donkey Kong from destroying all the flowers. Stanley uses his bug spray to shoot the bugs and kill them while also shooting Donkey Kong with the spray and forcing him to go to the top of the screen. There are different types of bugs that are thrown by Donkey Kong and there are different tactics to defeat the bugs.

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